Q I submitted a poster, when will I hear if I have been nominated?
A On September 18 you will hear from us if you have been nominated for an award and selected for the longlist. Ten winners will be chosen from that longlist on October 16. Are you nominated? Then mark the award ceremony at ARTIS – Groote Museum on October 16, 19:30 in your calendar; we would love to have you there!

Q I just missed the deadline, can I still enter?
A Unfortunately, the contest is closed as of August 31, 11:59 pm. If your entry did not arrive for technical reasons through no fault of your own, please contact us: info@postersfortheplanet.org

Q I am not a professional designer or artist; can I still participate?
A Absolutely! All people living in the Netherlands can submit a poster. While we focus on creative makers in the competition announcement, anyone can participate.

Q Is there a maximum number of posters I can submit?
A Each participant can submit up to three posters.

Q What should my poster be about?
Choose your own focus and tone: what needs to change; which themes are crucial? We are looking for a poster that offers a new perspective in the climate debate. A powerful image with a clear call to action. But the message and target audience are up to you! It is important that the poster resonates with people and can motivate sustainable behaviour.

Q When will I know if I have won?
A The jury will convene in early September. We will contact you by 16 October 2024 to inform you whether you have been nominated for a prize.

Q Can my poster contain English text?
A Yes, but the campaign featuring the winning posters will feature only in the Netherlands and must communicate with a Dutch audience.

Q What happens to my poster after submission?
A We will handle your digital file carefully. We will share it with the jury members and keep a digital copy for our archive. By participating in the competition, you agree to the general terms and conditions of participation, which explain what can be done with your submission.

Q Can I submit an old poster?
A Submissions must be newly created by you after 31 December 2023.

Q Can I submit my poster by mail?
A Submissions must be made digitally on the website postersfortheplanet.org. Submissions received by other means won’t be considered.

Q What is the Turing Foundation?
A The Turing Foundation is a private fund established by Pieter and Françoise Geelen in 2006. The Turing Foundation aims to contribute to a better world and society now and in the future.

Q What is the climate campaign that you can win?
A The selection by the expert jury will be used for a Dutch climate campaign launched in autumn 2024. The winning images will be displayed primarily in public spaces, various Dutch museums and on various media. We will also look for creative campaign elements so that the posters will be displayed in alternative locations.

Q Why is the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences conducting research for Posters for the Planet, and how can it conduct this research independently?
A The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and the Turing Foundation have agreed to a collaboration concerning Posters for the Planet. The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences will conduct independent research related to Posters for the Planet. The research will be carried out according to the principles of good scientific practice as stated in the most recent versions of the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. The Turing Foundation has no influence on the design, execution and analysis of the research. The results of the research will be used by the Turing Foundation in the context of Posters for the Planet. This includes communication related to the poster competition and climate campaign. Research outcomes are independent of the winner selection process.